Meet D’Aire - Smiles and Strings!
D’Aire is an 11-year old viola player from our Pasadena site. He has an infectious personality and relishes every moment he gets a chance to play his viola with his classmates. D’Aire lights up every room that he walks in with his big smile, enthusiasm and passion for all kinds of music including rock and pop.
D'Aire participating in summer programming.
“I love music because I find it calming,” explained D’Aire when Harmony Project sat down with him and his mother Star. “The beats and words always make me feel so calm. And I like how Harmony Project [staff] is understanding.”
“I enrolled my son because I was in music programs growing up,” said Star Butler. “I wanted him to learn the arts and just have an enriching experience during grade school.”
D'Aire playing his viola during a summer concert.
“I wanted to be in Harmony Project because I thought it would be beneficial. It has made my listening better. It also made my understanding of different types of music better, like classical music,” said D’Aire. “I like to listen to music and then try to play it on my instrument.”